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Comment Moderation on TikTok: The Guide

Ron Storfer
Ron Storfer
CPO & Co-founder at Spikerz
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Published -  
September 17, 2024
Comment Moderation on TikTok: The Guide

TikTok has over 1.5 billion users globally and is a hub for creativity, trends, and engagement. However, it has a downside: the proliferation of inappropriate or offensive comments, spam, and harassment. 

For creators, brands, and everyday users, moderating social media comments on TikTok is important to maintaining a positive online presence. In this article, we'll discuss the importance of comment moderation, how TikTok's built-in tools can help, and how solutions like Spikerz can take moderation to the next level.

Why Comment Moderation is Crucial on TikTok

TikTok's comment sections are a lively space where users interact with content creators and other users. However, the open nature of social media comments leaves room for misuse. Offensive comments—ranging from cyberbullying to hate speech—are a serious concern on TikTok.

A report reveals that nearly 37% of teens aged 12 to 17 have experienced cyberbullying. TikTok is becoming a common platform for online harassment. Offensive comments harm individual users, tarnish a creator's reputation, and damage brand trust.

Moreover, brands and influencers must moderate their comment sections to protect their image. A report shows that 55% of users are more likely to trust a brand that responds to negative comments or filters harmful interactions. Comment moderation helps create a more respectful space for audiences to engage.

TikTok's Built-In Features for Comment Moderation

TikTok understands the importance of maintaining a positive environment, so the platform has introduced various tools to help manage offensive comments and spam. Here's how you can use these features:

1. Filtering Keywords to Block Offensive Comments

This feature allows users to block comments containing offensive words, phrases, or slang that might harm their brand or audience. By filtering specific keywords, you can ensure that any offensive comments containing those terms are automatically hidden. This is especially useful for preventing common forms of harassment, such as body-shaming or hate speech, from appearing in your comment section.

2. Comment Review Features

TikTok also allows users to review comments before they go live. This option will enable you to approve or reject comments based on your guidelines manually. While this feature is effective, it can become time-consuming for creators with large followings or high levels of engagement.

3. Restrict Who Can Comment

You can limit comments to only your followers or mutual friends, reducing the chances of receiving inappropriate comments from random users or bots. This feature is helpful in controlling who has access to your content. Influencers or brands often use this to restrict unsolicited comments from strangers or fake accounts.

4. Report and Block Harmful Users

TikTok also allows users to report comments or block users who repeatedly post offensive comments. This is crucial for maintaining a respectful online space, as it helps reduce harmful behavior over time.

5. Restrict Commenting in Live Sessions

For TikTok creators who host live sessions, it's important to maintain control over the real-time interactions happening in the chat. TikTok enables hosts to restrict comments during live sessions, ensuring only approved users or followers can comment.

TikTok Built-In Moderation Tools

While TikTok's built-in comment moderation tools are helpful, they aren't perfect. Keyword filters rely on specific words or phrases to block offensive comments. 

Still, trolls and spammers often bypass these filters using intentional misspellings, slang, or subtle derogatory terms. Additionally, manually reviewing comments can overwhelm creators with large audiences or high engagement levels.

TikTok's moderation features do not account for the context or intent behind social media comments. Sarcastic or backhanded remarks might not contain offensive keywords but can still cause harm or discomfort to users. To fully protect your comment section, it's necessary to have an automated moderation system that understands the subtleties of language and context.

How Spikerz Helps Improving Comment Moderation on TikTok

This is where Spikerz comes in. This social media security too provides a better solution. Unlike TikTok's keyword-based filtering system, Spikerz offers automated moderation that considers the context of comments. This feature helps you filter inappropriate or offensive comments more effectively.

Spikerz operates in real-time, meaning it filters social media comments as soon as they are posted. This helps users with large audiences or viral posts that generate hundreds or thousands of comments quickly. Instead of relying on manual moderation, Spikerz scans and removes offensive comments instantly, saving time and maintaining a positive atmosphere on your account.

Spammer accounts often use creative methods to bypass keyword filters, such as alternative spellings or disguised links. Spikerz can identify patterns in social media comments that indicate spam, so remove these comments before they clutter your comment section. By detecting spam at the account level, Spikerz ensures that your content isn't overwhelmed by irrelevant or harmful promotions.

Spikerz also provides detailed reporting on comment trends and patterns, offering insights into the types of comments your account receives. This data helps content creators and brands fine-tune their comment moderation strategy. By understanding which kinds of offensive comments are most prevalent, you can take steps to further optimize your moderation settings.

With Spikerz's automated moderation in place, your comment section becomes a more welcoming environment for positive engagement. Users are more likely to leave constructive feedback or participate in discussions when protected from offensive comments and spam. This helps grow your audience and enhances the overall user experience.

End Note

Comment moderation on TikTok is more than just a way to block offensive comments. It's a crucial part of maintaining a healthy, engaged community. While TikTok's built-in tools, such as keyword filters and manual reviews, are not enough.

Spikerz offers a solution by providing automated moderation that understands the context of comments, filters spam, and operates in real time. For creators and brands looking to protect their content and maintain positive engagement on TikTok. Combining TikTok's features with Spikerz is the best way forward.

Need to know how we can help? Start your free trial with Spikerz and protect your social media journey.


1. Why is comment moderation essential on TikTok for both creators and brands?

Comment moderation is crucial on TikTok to maintain a positive and engaging environment. Offensive comments, such as hate speech or cyberbullying, can harm individuals and damage a brand's reputation. A moderated comment section boosts better engagement, builds trust with followers, and ensures that discussions remain respectful.

2. How can keyword filtering help reduce offensive comments on TikTok?

Keyword filtering allows users to block specific words or phrases in their comment sections. By setting filters for commonly used offensive terms, creators can automatically hide inappropriate comments. This method reduces the occurrence of negative interactions. However, regular updates may be required to cover new slang or alternative spellings that bypass filters.

3. What are the limitations of relying on TikTok's built-in moderation tools?

While TikTok offers moderation features like keyword filters and manual comment reviews, they have limitations. Trolls and spammers can bypass filters with creative spellings. Manual review can be overwhelming for high-traffic accounts. TikTok's tools also struggle with understanding the context or tone behind comments, allowing sarcastic or passive-aggressive remarks to slip through.

4. How does Spikerz help with TikTok comment moderation?

Spikerz offers automated moderation that understands the context of social media comments. It detects offensive comments, spam, and harmful interactions in real time. The tool can block inappropriate remarks instantly and provide detailed reporting to help fine-tune moderation strategies. This makes Spikerz a helpful tool for creators and brands dealing with high volumes of engagement.

5. What benefits do creators gain from using automated moderation?

Automated moderation helps creators and brands maintain a cleaner and more positive comment section without manually reviewing comments. It filters spam, reduces offensive content, and allows for better control over audience interactions. 

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